Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Second Sight earned a fabulous review in the May, 2007 issue of Affaire de Coeur. Since it's only available in print, I'll give you the entire review:

Psychic Investigator Zach Douglas and his partner Angie Sutcliffe are called out to solve a case of ritual murder in which a Celtic grimoire is implicated. Calling on the assistance of Jenny Murdoch to get the grimoire translated, they get a bit more than they bargained for. Jenny has spent years suppressing what she believes killed her parents, an inner “Tiger” that she is very much afraid of. As she learns that the Tiger can be trusted and the translation goes on, she is suspected of the murders and must prove her innocence.

This was an absorbing paranormal tale filled with suspense and passion. The characters were strong and well developed. I found the “Tiger” to be a new and interesting twist in the paranormal world and hope to find that this author goes on to others with the same theory. Mumford is a new voice to paranormal erotica and does a great job of pulling heavy romance and steamy scenes to the story while remaining tasteful and true to the story. Paranormal and erotica readers alike will not be able to put this one down.

4 Stars from Inez Daylong
Reviewer for Affaire de Coeur


White Russian of Cocktail Reviews also loved Second Sight! Here's an excerpt from her 5 Champagne Flute review:

A riveting read where the first sentence packs a punch and delivers the hook that had me gripped until the end. Some superb delivery lurks within the pages of Second Sight ... My eyes tumbled over the sentences in a bid to read as quickly as I could ... Buy it and love it ... A solid and delightful read.

Read the entire review here.


Second Sight is available from Freya's Bower.

A mysterious grimoire of Celtic origins has been linked to two murders. To break the case, psychic investigator Zach Douglass seeks the assistance of a gifted translator, beautiful Jenny Murdoch. But Jenny has a dark secret. She's spent years repressing a potent psychic talent: her 'tiger', which she believes killed her parents. Jenny will crack the grimoire and learn to trust her tiger, but she'll fall under suspicion for the murders. And one of the victim's was Zach's fiancée.

Rating: Tangy
Book Length: Category Novel
Price: $5.25
Genre: Paranormal/Contemporary Romance