Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Woot!! Karen's Book is Available!!

Loved Him to Death
K.M. Frontain

Haru, merchant prince of Sachoné House, sails into the port of Verdant on a day when Ardu magic normally rejects outsiders of the faith. Despite that he is an infidel, Haru is chosen to be the next Oradhé, the holy man who must act as a dragon god's conscience. To Haru's dismay, the price exacted for this duty will be his eyes burned from his sockets.

Haru's struggle to retain his sight becomes a profound battle to preserve his spirit, for he must resist not only Verdant tradition, but the questionable advances of Intana, the dragon god. All the while, Vaal, the shark deity of Haru's people, lurks in the water and observes. Vaal of the Depths has plans for Verdant, for Intana, and for Haru.

Publisher: Freya's Bower

Rating: Beyond Sizzling

Book Length: Novel

Genre: Fantasy/M/M


KMFrontain said...

Thank you, Debbie! :D

Debbie Mumford said...

You're more than welcome, Karen!!

Best of luck with this one!